Staying Present, Balanced and Healthy While on Vacation

Vacations can be a time to relax and unwind or engage and explore. Either way, it’s exhilarating to travel — our senses are invigorated, taking in a different culture and environment, people and languages, food, scenery, smells and tastes. While there are so many benefits of travel, it can also mess with our sleep, diet, and routine which directly affects digestion, energy, and mood. Furthermore, when we’re thrown off course, it’s even more difficult to stay present, mindful and healthy while abroad. 

Having traveled near and far, I know firsthand how easy it can be to veer off track and even go overboard if certain measures aren’t taken into consideration before and during travel. Over the years I’ve realized how helpful it is to stay balanced in body, mind and spirit while on holiday so you can arrive home and not need a vacation from your vacation. So let’s dive straight into some of the physical and mental practices that have personally helped me stay present, mindful and healthy during vacation. 

Start with your mindset before you get to your destination. It’s easy to shift into vacation mode when you’ve booked your trip and packed your bags, but rather than mentally “checking out”, take time to look inwardly and think about the experience you want to have. I find it helpful to set a vacation intention a day or two before I jet off. An example of an intention might be unplugging from social media so you can spend quality time with your loved ones, being more open to new experiences, or just allowing yourself to genuinely relax without guilt. Think about what’s important for you and envision the type of vacation that you desire, that will bring you joy and ultimately one that will make your trip a success. A travel intention will give you presence and purpose so you can make the most of your experience and hopefully leave with one that is truly memorable.

Try not to let your entire routine slide. Keep as much of your routine in place as you can. That may mean not skipping out on breakfast if you normally eat in the morning, or putting in that jog if you’re a runner. Even if you can only manage one or two parts of your routine, you’ll have a smoother transition to your normal everyday life when you get back home, which can help beat those post-vacation blues. 

Give yourself some quiet time to reflect. When you’re constantly on the go and being introduced to new experiences, people, and places and exploring just about every possible corner this new place has to offer, it’s important to carve out time just for yourself. Whether that means enjoying a cup of tea or coffee while looking out on the scenery, writing in a journal or meditating, a bit of silence goes a long way. Reflection quiets the mind, creates balance and space and can even transform your mood. 

Have an open mind and welcome the unfamiliar. For some it can be scary to get out of their comfort zones, but when you open yourself up to new experiences and immerse yourself in new cultures and ideas, you’ll feel inspired and invigorated. 

Keep plans loose and always leave room for the unexpected. If you’re an organizer and over-planner like me, it’s easy to fill in every window of vacation time with an activity, but you’ll likely lose the excitement (and add stress to your life) jumping from one activity to the next. Being flexible leaves space for the unexpected, for an element of surprise, and more importantly for time to pause. Moreover, you’re likely to come across recommendations from locals and travelers for that out-of-this-world hole-in-the-wall restaurant that you likely wouldn’t have read about in any travel editorial had you not made space for life to just happen. On that same note, it’s liberating to let go of control and give someone else the opportunity to make plans for you or your travel group. I’ve come to embrace and even enjoy the freedom it gives me to not be so rigid and tied to a schedule and let the vacation flow naturally. 

Move your body. There’s tons of ways to stay active on vacation. If you’re exploring a new city, walk instead of taking a car or public transportation. It’s a great way to get to know the area you’re in and get your steps in (win win!). If you’re going to a beach destination, try a water activity like paddle boarding or walk the beach. Most resorts have a gym and offer fitness classes. If a local yoga or pilates studio isn’t an option, there are plenty of online workout programs that are inexpensive and allow you to stream a workout from literally anywhere in the world. I love the Melissa Wood Health workouts which combines yoga and mat pilates using your body weight and focuses on mindful movement. For less than $10 a month you’re getting your money’s worth even if you only get a couple workouts in throughout the month. 

Stay hydrated. Drinks lots (LOTS) of water. Pretty obvious, but can often go overlooked especially when you’re on the go. Travel with a reusable water bottle so you can fill up at the airport and skip having to buy single use plastic water bottles throughout your trip. That being said, if you’re vacationing in a place where drinking tap is unsafe then stick to bottled water. Tap water in most resorts is purified but definitely ask before you drink up. 

Get adequate sleep so you can wake up every morning feeling refreshed, focused, and excited to move through your day! Most adults need 7–9 hours of sleep per night. The direct connection between sleep and health inevitably helps improve your quality of life. The benefits of quality sleep include increased energy, strengthened immune system, heightened alertness, focus, and creativity, and improved mood by reducing anxiety, irritability, and mental exhaustion. If you have trouble falling asleep, try incorporating a calming evening practice into your routine — drink a cup of chamomile tea, take a hot shower before bed, or cup with lavender essential oil.

Incorporate leafy greens and vegetables into your diet. Food is fuel for the road, and when it comes to diet, and life for that matter, it’s all about balance! There’s nothing wrong with getting the fries (treat yo self) but ordering them alongside a big green salad will give you energy and provide you with nutrients your body needs. Eating heavy meat dishes can be taxing on the stomach so opt for a plant-based meal at least once a day to give your digestive system some rest. Get a variety of colors on your plate and snack on water-filled fruits and vegetables like cucumber, celery and peppers to help stay hydrated.

Add a probiotic supplement to your regimen when traveling. The stress that travel and a different diet has on your body can wreak havoc on the gut and microbiome. It’s great to try new, exotic foods and open your palette up to different cuisines but it can also be hard on your stomach if it’s something you’re not used to eating. Doubling up on a quality probiotic supplement can shield you against bad bacteria, optimize immune function, and regulate digestion. Make sure to travel with a probiotic that doesn’t require refrigeration. Garden of Life’s Once Daily Women’s Probiotic is an option that has 16 different probiotic strains, is dairy-gluten- and soy-free and doesn’t need to be refrigerated.  

Treat yourself to an activity or experience that brings you joy and makes you feel connected to your self. Book a massage, take a cooking class, explore a local market and source artisanal goods that you can bring back to loved ones, or skip the group activity to read a good book on the beach. 

More importantly, enjoy your getaway without feeling guilty. Don’t beat yourself up for indulging on vacation. This is a time to enjoy yourself! There’s no need to restrict your diet and deprive yourself — chances are it will only set you up for a binge. Instead, make conscious choices and be mindful of when a food makes you feel good and when it makes you feel not so good. Breathe in the awe-inspiring power of nature, savor each and every bite of that delicious meal, connect with locals and meet interesting people along the way. 

If you take some of these simple considerations into practice, chances are you’ll travel with ease and purpose, feel active, healthy and stress-free throughout the journey, and arrive home refreshed, relaxed and inspired.