March 2021 Book List

📚Heart Talk by Cleo Wade

Cleo Wade’s Heart Talk is a collection of poems that will light up your soul, open your heart and empower you through love. You can read through this entire book in one sitting, but I highly recommend utilizing this book in your morning routine and reading a poem a day to really meditate on the words and soak in her wisdom. 

📚The Heart of Leadership for Women by Lisa M. Miller

The Heart of Leadership is about cultivating and holding sacred space where women can learn, and grow. Miller walks you through how to prepare yourself and your space before an event, as well as how to market and host a gathering, be it a women’s circle, small group meeting, or spiritual retreat. This book is for any who is in a leadership position working specifically with women. 

📚The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

A fascinating book but also one that can be difficult to stomach at times, The Body Keeps The Score is about the effects of psychological trauma, abuse and neglect. Emotional trauma expert Dr. van der Kolk recounts the painful stories of veterans who are dealing with the aftermath of war trauma, children who have been molested, abused, and neglected, and adults who have suffered mentally after major car accidents. Through his own extensive research, Dr. van der Kolk explains how the mind, brain and body cope with, and recover from, traumatic experiences. We learn that as our minds desperately try to ignore the trauma we’ve faced in the past, our bodies keeps the score through our emotions and feelings. He explores alternative therapies like meditation, yoga and neurofeedback that offer holistic opportunities for healing. This is a must-read for anyone who has experienced trauma firsthand, has a family member who has had traumatic experiences, or anyone who wants to understand, prevent or treat the extreme suffering caused by trauma. 

📚Tea Medicine by Aaron Fisher (Wu De)

One of the most spiritual books I’ve read, Tea Medicine is not only about tea (and the ceremony of tea) but is also about tea’s teachings. Fisher shows us that there’s much to learn from drinking tea in silence and sharing tea with others. Broken down into sessions, the reader is invited to drink tea while meditating on the lesson of the day. Tea Medicine explores what it means to live a fulfilling life and has deeply inspired me to make tea and it’s teachings a part of mine. Even if you’re not a tea drinker, this book is abundant with beautiful lessons that will serve you for an entire lifetime.