Coffee For Anxiety-Prone Drinkers + How I Take My (Mushroom) Coffee

I love (LOVE) lattes. The frothy, creamy beverage (with oat milk, always) is my go-to when I order from my neighborhood coffee shop. But 50% of the time, coffee ignites the jitters and I know it’s my body’s way of saying “please don’t do this to meeee!”

I grew up a tea drinker actually. Twinings Earl Grey with a tablespoon of honey and milk. It wasn’t until I moved to NYC that I traded in my morning mug for a to-go Starbucks cup, usually containing a frapp or some other concoction of caffeine and sugar. I blame Mary-Kate and Ashley for this. At the time, it seemed you were only considered a New Yorker if you drank coffee. Black. The NY coffee culture intrigued me, interns juggling ten coffees to go for their team in the mornings, people boasting about being on their third or fourth cup, the frantic energy, mom-and-pop coffee shops springing up on every corner. It’s a wake up call for many, the splendid aroma beckoning even the heaviest of sleepers. Gossip over a latte, business meeting over an espresso, brunch with a cappuccino. It’s a lifestyle and an experience that’s ingrained in the morning routine of millions. Everyone was drinking coffee… so I should be too, right?

Wrong. Coffee is not for everyone. The truth is caffeine affects some people more than others. Caffeine tolerance is affected by many factors including genetics, what you ate for breakfast, how quickly your body metabolizes caffeine, and how much and how often you drink. 

And those of us that are especially sensitive should limit our intake of caffeine. If you’re someone who drinks one cup of coffee and suddenly feel anxious, irritable and shaky, be aware of your sensitivity level. Consider noting what you ate prior to drinking, how much you had and whether it was a regular coffee or espresso drink (which contain way more caffeine than your regular cup of joe).

While your body may not be built to handle certain levels of caffeine, don’t let that get you down. There are many coffee alternatives out there that are just as delicious and better for you. I’m going to share my absolute favorite concoction with you today which has been my coffee beverage of choice whenever I’m brewing a cup at home. 

Four Sigmatic’s coffee brand uses nutrient-dense mushrooms like reishi, chaga, cordyceps and lions mane that contain powerful properties. I use their Mushroom Coffee Mix boxes which each come with 10 packets, containing a blend of instant coffee and extracted mushrooms. Each packet contains 50mg of caffeine, compared to 95mg in a cup of coffee. Plus you get the health benefits from the shrooms. 

So far I’ve enjoyed all their products that I’ve tried, but my top pick is their cordyceps and chaga mushroom blend, which gives you the stimulation without the jitters and added strain on your body. Another product of theirs that is worth trying is the Adaptogen Coffee Mix which contains tulsi and ashwagandha. These medicinal herbs help your body to balance and adapt to occasional stress. 

You can simply mix one packet of your choice with water or take it a step further with my deliciously creamy, cinnamony and super nutritious recipe below. Adding ghee to coffee is a great way to get healthy fats (contains essential fatty acids, omega-3s and 9s and vitamins A, D and E), makes it buttery and makes you feel fuller longer. Cinnamon is an antioxidant-rich spice that has anti-inflammatory properties and boost metabolism. Collagen protein is great for skin, bone and joint health. And for a little bit of natural sweetness, throw in a half or third of a medjool date. 


1 packet Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee Mix

2 tablespoons collagen powder 

1/3 medjool date 

1 teaspoon coconut butter or ghee (my faves are Cap Beauty’s Coconut Butter and Fourth & Heart’s Turmeric Ghee)

Several shakes of cinnamon

2/3 cup boiled water 

About 3-4 tablespoons oat milk (or your milk of choice)


  1. Boil the water. 

  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until frothy and well combined, about 15 seconds. 

  3. Pour in a cup and top with more cinnamon. Enjoy!