prevent (and possibly treat) uti’s with these natural supplements before considering antibiotics

natural supplements that prevent utilities

Having suffered from recurrent urinary tract infections over the last 5 years, I know firsthand how uncomfortable and painful UTIs can be and just how difficult it can be navigating this topic and finding a healthy alternative to antibiotics. With what little (and often contradictory) information and even misinformation there is out there about preventing and treating UTIs, it can take weeks, months and sometimes years of trial and error to find a solution that works. 

Doctors are quick to prescribe antibiotics to treat UTIs and even recommend low-dosage daily antibiotics as a preventative measure. But what many people don’t realize is that antibiotics often only work in the short term and will oftentimes contribute to more infections as bacteria become resistant to antibiotics leading to ineffectiveness in treating future infections. Bottom line: increased use of antibiotics is making urinary tract infections harder and harder to treat. The truth is, once you get one UTI your likelihood of getting another increases. In fact, for 30-40% of women who’ve had a UTI, the infection returns within a few months and often worse than before.

If you have recurrent UTIs (if you have two UTIs in a three month period, or more than three UTIs in a single year, you officially have a recurrent UTI), you’re well aware of the toll they can take on you and how utterly hopeless it can feel when you jump from one antibiotic to the next. This isn’t to say that there aren’t instances where antibiotics are absolutely necessary when it comes to treating UTIs. It’s always a good idea to see your GP if you think you might have a UTI to confirm the infection and rule out anything else. If you’re like me and you only revert to antibiotics as a last resort and your symptoms don’t improve or get worse, then you’ll want to get in touch with your doctor and have your urine tested so that they can select a round of antibiotics known to work against that particular bacteria that’s causing the infection. 

As someone prone to getting bladder infections, I knew I didn’t want to live on antibiotics that weaken the immune and digestive systems and wreak havoc on your gut health. I was desperate to try any and every home remedy that could relieve symptoms and possibly get rid of the infection before having to rely on a course of antibiotics, knowing in the back of my head that there’s always a risk for subsequent infection. 

Throughout this period of trial and error and hours of research on supplements and products on the market that claim to help prevent, treat and lessen the symptoms of UTIs I’ve come to find there are healthier options out there that actually work. Before we talk about those, it’s important that you’re aware of the risk factors that are more likely to introduce bacteria into the urinary tract, which includes sex, bubble baths, and using skin allergens like harsh soaps. Aside from good hygiene which is important to prevention, it’s a good idea to follow the classic advice for preventing UTIs: always pee before and after sex, drink lots of water, avoid tight fitting pants and this should go without saying, wipe from front to back. There’s mixed evidence about the effectiveness of drinking cranberry juice, but so long as you stick to pure unsweetened cranberry juice (no added sugar) or take a cranberry supplement there’s no risk. When it comes to diet, the rule of thumb is to steer clear of sugar, which bacteria feeds off of. Sugar can both increase your risk of recurring UTIs, as well as make an existing infection much worse. If you have a UTI, you’ll also want to avoid any foods that will increase the acidity of your urine such as caffeine and energy drinks, spicy foods and citrus fruits like lemons and limes. 


My number one product recommendation is Uqora’s Target Drink Mix and Control Capsules (The Complete Kit). Just so we’re clear, I’m not getting paid to write this. I simply love this product because it’s effective and they use natural ingredients. Ever since I started using Uqora’s products about 4 months ago, I haven’t had an infection. In fact, just yesterday I woke up with the classic symptoms of a UTI (painful and frequent need to urinate but without much success), popped two Control Capsules and by the end of the day my symptoms had vanished. I woke up this morning pain-free and with normal urination (never take normal urination for granted!). Uqora has truly been a lifesaver for me and I highly recommend their products. You can purchase direct from their website here and select from the Target Drink-Mix ($25 for a 10-pack), Control Capsules ($25 for 1 bottle), or The Complete Kit (10 packets + 1 bottle for $39). You can choose to make a one-time purchase or subscribe and save. I’m currently subscribed to 20 packets + 1 bottle a month for $59 and it’s well worth the money. 

Uqora’s Target Drink Mix works to fight new bacteria introduced during certain activities like sex. Target binds with UTI-causing bacteria and increases urinary flow to flush them out of the urinary tract, all while boosting your immune system. Drink Uqora Target directly after activities that trigger your UTIs. For many people, that’s right after sex, the biggest cause of UTIs. Mix a packet of Uqora Target with 8 oz of water, and drink it directly after sex to flush out the bacteria. Ingredients: D-Mannose, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Natural Lemon Flavor, Citric Acid, Organic Stevia, Silicone Dioxide, Beet Juice Powder. 

Uqora’s Control Capsules fight old bacteria already living in the urinary tract (usually from a past infection) by breaking up biofilm, a tool bacteria use to hide from your immune system and antibiotics. Bacteria can live in the urinary tract protected by biofilm and cause recurrent UTIs. Take 2 capsules of Control daily to fight UTIs that seem to come out of nowhere. Ingredients: Curcumin, D-Mannose, Green Tea Extract, Black Pepper Powder, Vegan capsule. 

As you may have noticed, both Uqora’s products contain D-Mannose, a type of simple sugar that is produced naturally in your body as well as in starches of certain fruits including blueberries and cranberries. This leads me to my second product recommendation: D-Mannose powder. You can find D-Mannose powder at Whole Foods as well as through Amazon. I currently have two D-Mannose products on hand — Vibrant Health’s U.T. Vibrance and Whole Food’s D-Mannose. Vibrant Health’s U.T. Vibrance has 5 grams D-Mannose as well as uva ursi leaf, blueberry, cranberry, dandelion root, goldenrod, goldenseal root, and parsley, while Whole Food’s brand is 100% pure D-Mannose. Known to support urinary tract health, D-Mannose is an excellent supplement to have on hand and mix with water after any activity that may cause a UTI. Simply mix one scoop into an 8-oz glass of water and drink up to three times a day.

Another supplement that I’ve been taking for over a year now is Thorne’s Uristatin capsules which contain buchu extract, echinacea, berberine and uva ursi leaf extract, botanicals that help maintain normal urinary tract flora, soothe irritated tissues in the bladder and other areas of the urinary tract, and prevent unwanted bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder and urethra. Suggested use is to take 3 capsules two to three times daily or as recommended by your health care professional. 

My final recommendation is to take a daily probiotic and double up on probiotics during a course of antibiotics to help replenish the good bacteria that the antibiotic kills and rebalance your guts microflora. Garden of Life’s Urinary Tract+ is a great probiotic that’s formulated specifically for urinary tract, digestive and immune health and contains 16 probiotic strains. 

Urinary tract infections are unpredictable — they can come out of nowhere and hit you when you least expect. But with an arsenal of preventative herbal supplements and knowledge on preventative measures, you don’t have to live in constant fear of a disruptive infection. Everybody is different and it’s important to keep in mind that what may work for one person doesn’t always work for another. The best approach is to choose one supplement and take it as recommended (whether it’s a daily supplement or taken right after an activity, timing and consistency are key) and see what works for you.